Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Journey to The Center of The Earth

Now I would recomend that you watch it on the 2D side because the 3D side will give you a headack. Though it is a wonderful film thats is science fiction and the center is beautiful. this truly is a film for all ages.
My Rating: *****
Now in Stores Everywhere
Cast: Brendan Fraser, Josh Hutchsen, Antina Breim.
Directer: Eric Brevig
Rated PG

Saturday, September 6, 2008


Wall-E is a great film for the the WHOLE family now listen when the world gets polluted this company Big N Gulp [B N G] send all the people into space. After the people left B N G put these machines called Wall-e Short for [Waste Allocation Load Liffter Earth-Class] to clean up the earth. Now over 700 years later there is only one Wall-E left and he must save the world.
My Rating: *****
Now in Stores Everywhere
Cast: Ben Burtt, Elissa Knight, Jeff Garlin, and Fred Willard.
Director: Andrew Statonn
Rated G

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Iron Man

Iron Man is great for the whole family. You will love the drama. The next one will be even better. My favorite part is when the prototype
and Iron man fight. It was great how the prototype was able to keep up with Iron Man even though he was chuncky and had all this excess metal!!

Starring: Robert Downy Jr., Terrance Howard, Jeff Bridges, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Leslie Bibb
Directed By: Jon Favreau
Rated PG-13
Now in Stores Everywhere

To see the trailer for Iron Man click below:

[My Rating]